First Round- Pacquiao pelted shots with Margarito,he throw three solid punch combinations and some straight punch with his left to the body of Margarito. In this round Margarito is not so aggressive.
Second Round- Pacquaio done actively in this round. He throw a lot of body shot with Pacquiao. As a plan of Margarito he cornered Pacquiao but it only one time, but with the speed of Pacquiao he make it to go out with all of the sudden.
Third Round- a three straight round for Pacquiao. Pacquiao throw another huge of punch. And Margarito try to go forward with heavy gait, with matching jabs and wide rights.
Fourth Round- Pacquiao landed a cruel punch, Margarito has a bruised and cut under his left eye. In this round Margarito is hurt with Pacquiao hooks in his body and straight shots into his head.

Fifth Round- Pacquiao biffed Margarito every throw of punches. In this round Pacquiao is on the ropes and Margarito landed a punch for him. Margarito now his face is a bloody mess.
Sixth Round- The round wherein Margarito is very aggresive, there is a tremendous exchange of punches. Pacquiao hit Margarito with hooks, while Margarito'e eye is swollen. And Pacquiao finished with a rapid active commotion.
Seventh Round- Margarito is moving straight but Pacquiao keeps throwing punches to left and moving to the right. Margarito corners Pacquiao and landed shots at Pacquiao's body, but Pacquiao swift a whirling motion and throw some combination.
Eight Round- Margarito gets Pacquiao on the ropes. Margarito jab is very effective but Pacquiao comes back with straight left and hooks. Margarito's face appears grim.
Ninth Round- Still Pacquiao shows a tremendous lateral movement. And Margarito is badly cut up in this round. In this round Pacquiao will probably win this fight.
Tenth Round- Margarito's face is mask of blood, but Pacquiao keeps throwing jabs, right hooks and straight lefts.
Eleventh Round- Pacquiao seems aiming for the KO. He throw a well punch into Margarito. Margarito still fight in this round, and Pacquiao lands a very wonderful counter, and with a eight-punch combination. But Margarito still keeps coming.
Twelve Round- Pacquiao throw jabs and hooks some more, Pacquiao is circulating like spinning, and to every throw punches of Margarito he establishes an ungodly combination.
MANNY "PACMAN" Pacquiao beats Antonio Margarito by Unanimous Decision. All for Pacquiao- scores: 120-108, 118-110 and 119-109
MANNY PACQUIAO get his 13th straight win and his eighth championship. CONGRATULATION TO MANNY PACQUIAO!!!!!!
But the question is, is MAYWEATHER the next..?
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